Sunday, 18 May 2014

How Economic Growth Affects Society

How economic growth affects society

Economic Growth:

Changes in social structures occurring during the process of economic growth can be considered direct consequences of this process, while others are caused by non direct factors 


i. Poverty

The impact of economic growth on poverty have been documented even though the relationship is not direct. In some cases it can be positive, while it can be negative for others.

ii. Population

Economic growth does impact population. As the economy grows, and societies become more able to physically support excess population. However, population growth has declined because in most primitive societies, an additional child is another source of labor when the parents cannot provide for themselves. This is the case in most primitive societies, where the parents who do not have many children cannot expect to have someone to support them when they grow old. 

These experiences hold important lessons for Africa, development's last major frontier. By drawing on these examples, as well as Africa's own success stories, and by recognizing the link between demography and economic development, African leaders  can devise economic development strategies that has an important role to population policies that include strong reproductive health and family planning programmes.

Chan Ling Han 


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