Wednesday 29 January 2014

Promoting BoBo Cherax Quadricarinatus

Last Monday, during the CID lesson, Mr Wong, our CID teacher for this year wrote "BoBo Cherax Quadricarinatus" on the white board. When I saw the word, my first thought was, "What is that?!" Mr Wong did not explain to us what the word was, instead he told us to use our imagination and create a poster to promote this "BoBo Cherax Quadricarinatus". Each group promoted the "BoBo Cherax Quadricarinatus" in front of the whole class for about 5 minutes. Some of the groups' presentation are very funny because the presenters are very entertaining.

Our script:
Hi people. Come and buy the "BoBo Cherax Quadricarinatus"!!! It's a pack of fresh seafood containing four different types: Fish, Prawn, Lobster and Clam!!!. You can get it at the nearest outlet, RVUC. Special Chinese New Year offer, it's only $88.88!!! Don't miss it, while stock last!!! The pack comes with a black bowl (limited edition) which you can keep your seafood, and it will remain fresh. FOREVER!!! Wait no more as we have only 500 sets in each 7 of the outlets: RVUC, ERUC, POUC, SEUC, WEUC, QAUC and MAUC!!! Last but not least, it's never a NoNo when you go with the BoBo as it will make you 发发发发!!!

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